
A bi-lingual post - the Croatian version of this story is followed by an English one. Aside from Croatia, the story was published in Greece. Artwork by me.
Svemirska luka, kišna noć. Lukas sluša kapi, bubnjaju po krovu, slijevaju se u oluk i žubore, zalijevaju aldebaranske povijuše što obavijaju hotel u čvrstom zagrljaju i valjda su još jedino što ga drži da se ne sruši. Predvorje je u polutami, usnule fenjeruše ukorijenjene po stropu i zidovima jedva tinjaju. Skoro će dva, hotel je utonuo u tišinu. Čak su se i Baglini iz sobe 131 primirili, vesela družina sa svojim pivom i mahnitim pjesmama. Brod im se spustio prije tri dana i, koliko je Lukas čuo, ostaju još barem toliko.
Lukas prebire hrpu davno pročitanih mangi. Nakon toliko godina, već se morao naviknuti na samoću noćne smjene. Kad bi bar koja cura došla, sklonila se pred kišom, ima dovoljno kave u termosici. Cure su OK, ako nisu pijane. Ali cure rade, posade traže zabavu nakon tjedana putovanja kroz crnu prazninu. I tako, samoća ostaje jedini prijatelj.
Odjednom, zvono. Ulazna se membrana otvara ispred visoke prilike u crno-žutoj pelerini s teškom torbom u ruci. Lukas pogladi fenjerušu na recepciji, ona zadovoljno zaprede i obasja Trinićanina izdužene krokodilske njuške i prodornih žutih očiju kojima kao da ništa ne može pobjeći. Smaragdno mu se zelena koža sjaji na svjetlu fenjeruše kao da je ljigava, ali Lukas zna da je suha. “Imate li sobu?”
“Još samo jednu, nitko je neće. Iznad je regulanska Ugotica.” Obojica znadu što to znači, nema teorije da soba ispod sklopivog rezervoara sa 30 000 litara vode bude sasvim suha. “Mogu dati popust”, brzo dodaje Lukas.
“Uzimam.” Baš kao što je Lukas i očekivao: Trinićanima vlaga ne smeta, naprotiv. Tuđinac pruža svoju iskaznicu, Lukas prelazi čitačem preko kodne matrice i podaci o novom gostu pune ekran.
“To je 35 na dan, s popustom.” Trinićanin kima glavom, Lukas mu daje ključ-karticu. “Soba 211. Želim vam ugodan boravak, gospodine...” Lukas baca brzi pogled na ekran. “...Mikkah ven Strenenka-vah.” Samo Mikkah, odlučuje Lukas u sebi, to je lakše pamtiti. A Trinićanin uzima torbu i dok trošne stepenice škripe pod njegovom težinom, Lukas zastaje na rubrici zanimanje. Istrebljivač parazita...
Djevojka dolazi pred sam kraj smjene, nešto prije osam ujutro. Lukas je nikad prije nije vidio. Promočena, promrzla, tetura prema recepciji, jedna iz mnoštva što se neprestano kovitla lukom u lovu na glavni zgoditak. Ovoj se nije posrećilo, pomišlja Lukas dok mu djevojka prilazi, ne treba neki dar zapažanja da vidi da je pod zlatnim nektarom. Nekoć davno možda je bila puna života, a onda se utopila u sivilu svakodnevnice oko pristaništa. Droga joj se učinila jedinom slamkom, par sati lebdećeg zaborava, i sad je pred Lukasom blijedi ispijeni duh, upalih obraza, plavih podočnjaka, grimiznih pramenova kose slijepljenih na čelu. Ni prva, ni posljednja, vidio je desetke takvih tužnih priča. “Soba...”, jedva progovara djevojka. “Imate li sobu?”
“Nemam više ni jednu”, odmahuje Lukas glavom. Sigurno je cijelu noć vani, izbačena. Nitko ne voli ovisnike, samo problemi s njima. Djevojka zastaje, kao da pokušava razmisliti što dalje, onda se skoro ruši na recepciju. “Molim vas, samo danas. Evo”, i vadi nekoliko novčanica iz crvene vjetrovke, “platit ću, nije problem. Samo za danas!”
“Kažem ti da sam popunjen. Probaj negdje drugdje!”
U tom trenutku, odozgo silazi Mikkah i zastaje na stepenicama. Djevojka se naglo trza kad ga opazi, njih se dvoje napeto promatraju trenutak-dva, a onda joj se lice grči u bolnoj grimasi i ona potrči i gotovo propara ulaznu membranu dok izlijeće na kišu. Mikkah ispod pelerine vadi pištolj i napinje ga. Lukas skače za njim, ali Trinićan je već vani, nišani i povlači okidač. Strelica iz pištolja pogađa djevojku u leđa, ona tetura u trku, rukom pokušava iščupati strelicu, ali ne uspijeva i konačno se ruši u vodu i opušta, paralizirana sredstvom za omamljivanje. Mikkah joj prilazi i s lakoćom je podiže, Lukas ga zbunjeno gleda dok je nosi natrag u hotel...
Lukas otvara vrata Mikkahove sobe, Trinićanin bez riječi unosi djevojku i polaže je u krevet. Lukas nije baš sretan, neće biti zgodno ako gazda sazna, ali žuti mu pogled govori da se nema svrhe svađati. Soba je vlažna, sa stropa kaplje, voda curi niz zidove i skuplja se u mlakama na podu. Moram reći gazdi da nešto učini s tom Ugoticom i njenim akvarijem, pomisli Lukas. Jeste da plaća dvostruko, ali... Mikkah se ne osvrće na vodu posvuda, posiže za svojom torbom, vadi remenje i čvrsto veže djevojku za krevet. “Što to radite?”
“Svoj posao”, odgovara Mikkah dok vadi i otvara tamnu kutiju punu injekcija i ampula.
“Ne bih se htio miješati, ali cura nije parazit.”
“Nije”, slaže se Mikkah. “Ali nosi jednog u sebi.” Trinićanin vadi injekciju i odabire ampulu. “Volio bih znati gdje ga je pokupila, ta se vrsta rijetko sreće. Zaposjeda mozak i potpuno ga prožima. Kod različitih domaćina različito djeluje. Neki ga nisu ni svjesni, nekima izoštrava osjetila i širi mentalne sposobnosti. U takvim se slučajevima ne miješam.”
“A kod nje?”
“Loša sreća. Djevojka je već bila ovisna kad ju je parazit zaposjeo. Onda je navika prešla na njega. Sve nakon toga je samo neprestana potraga za još droge. Dolje na recepciji... Osjetio sam ga, i on mene. Parazit može upravljati domaćinom, natjerao je djevojku u bijeg. Srećom, nije umakla. Sasvim je iscrpljena, ne bi više dugo izdržala.”
“Izvadit ćete ga?”
“Ovo je dovoljno da ga umrtvi”, odmahuje Mikkah glavom dok daje djevojci injekciju. “Poslije ga je lako razgraditi.” Prolazi nekoliko minuta i Lukas se već pita je li to sve, kad se iznenada djevojka propne vrišteći iz sveg glasa, ruke i noge zatežu remenje, krevet poskakuje pod njom. Lukas priskače Trinićaninu u pomoć i zajedno grabe djevojku da se ne povrijedi. Jedva je sputavaju, parazit daje krhkom tijelu gotovo nadljudsku snagu, ali injekcija djeluje i djevojka oblivena znojem klone natrag u krevet i smiruje se. Minute prolaze u tišini, još samo poneki nagli trzaj prostruji djevojčinim tijelom. Trinićaninov napeti pogled kao da prodire u nju i Lukas se pita što osjeća parazit? Bol dok ga ubija sadržaj injekcije, strah pred krajem, nemoćni bijes? A tada, još jedan snažan trzaj, posljednji. Mikkah zatvara oči i ustaje sa kreveta, parazit je mrtav. “Još nije gotovo”, prekida Trinićanin šutnju. “Liječenje će biti dugo... Pomoći ćete mi, zar ne?”
Trinićaninovo pitanje ostaje visjeti u zraku. Lukas gleda djevojku, njeno izmučeno lice kao da odaje tračak spokoja, možda po prvi put nakon tko zna koliko vremena. Ne znamo joj čak ni ime, pomisli dok joj rukom sklanja pramenove kose sa znojnog čela. Uostalom, kao da je to važno, djevojka treba pomoć i Lukasov život odjednom dobiva svrhu, postaje nešto više od sjedenja za recepcijom svake noći, u polumraku predvorja, među usnulim fenjerušama. A možda, ponada se na trenutak, možda je čak i samoći kraj. “Imam sklopivi krevet u ostavi”, konačno odgovara. “Valjda ćemo naći neko suho mjesto da ga stavimo.”
Space port, rainy night.
Lukas listens to the raindrops drumming against the roof. They pour into the gutter, gurgling, watering the Aldebaran vines coiled around the hotel in the firm embrace, probably the only thing holding it from collapsing. The vestibule is becalmed in semi-darkness. Sleeping lantern-fungi, rooted all over the ceiling and walls, hardly smoulder.
It’s almost two o’clock, and the hotel finally sunk into silence. Even the Baglins in the room 131 quieted down, the merry band with their beer and frantic songs. Their ship landed three days ago and, as far as Lukas heard, they plan to stay for at least three more.
Lukas rummages through the pile of mangas that he read and re-read long ago. Then he pours himself some coffee from a thermos flask. After all these years, he should be used to boredom and solitude of a night shift. If only some girl would drop by to take shelter before the rain, there’s enough coffee in the flask. The girls are OK, if they’re not drunk. But, the girls are working, crews are looking for some fun after weeks of travel across the black emptiness. And so, the solitude remains the only friend.
Suddenly, the door bell rings.
The entrance membrane opens before a tall figure in a black and yellow cape carrying a heavy bag in his hand. The figure stops, shakes the raindrops from the cape and then comes closer. Lukas caresses the lantern-fungus on the reception desk. It purrs contentedly and glows upon the Trinitian as he lowers the hood from his head, baring his elongated crocodilian snout. Lukas finds himself staring into those piercing yellow eyes from which nothing can hide and nothing can escape. The emerald-green skin shines in the soft lantern-fungus light as if slimy, but Lukas knows it’s parchment-dry.
“Do you have a room?”, the Trinitian asks in a low, cold voice.
“Only one, nobody wants it. A Regulan Ugotitsa is in the room above.” They both know what it means. There’s no chance that the room below a folding tank filled with 30 000 litres of water will be fully dry. “I can give you some discount”, Lukas adds quickly.
“I’ll take it.” Just as Lukas expected. Trinitians don’t mind the wetness, quite the contrary. The alien passes his ID-card. Lukas takes it and as he scans the code matrix with the reader, the new guest data fill the desk computer screen.
“That will be 35 a day, with the discount included.” The Trinitian nods and Lukas gives him a key-card. “Room 211. I wish you a pleasant stay, mister ...” Lukas casts a quick glance at the screen. “... Mikkah ven Strenenka-vah.” Just Mikkah, Lukas decides, it’s easier to remember. The Trinitian takes his bag and heads upstairs, and, as the old stairs creak under his weight, Lukas checks the data on the screen once more and stops at the column OCCUPATION. The parasite exterminator ...
* * *
The girl comes near the end of the shift, a little before 8 a.m. Lukas never saw her before. Soaked through, freezing, staggering towards the desk, one of the many swirling incessantly around the port, hoping to grab the jackpot. This one wasn’t lucky, Lukas decides as the girl approaches him.
It doesn’t take a particular power of observation to see that she’s under the Golden Nectar. A long time ago, she must have been full of life, before drowning in the grey whirlpool of everyday existence in the port. The drug seemed the only straw, couple of hours of floating oblivion, and now a pale haggard ghost barely stands before Lukas, her cheeks hollow, blue bags under her eyes, purple strands of hair wet on her forehead. Neither first nor last, Lukas saw dozens of such sad stories. “A room ...”, the girl mutters, barely audible. “You have a room?”
“Not a single one”, Lukas shakes his head. The girl must have spent the whole night out, evicted from some other place. Nobody likes addicts, they’re nothing but trouble. The girl stops, trying to figure out what to do next, and then almost collapses on the desk.
“Please, just for today. Here!”, and she takes several notes out of her red anorak. “I’ll pay, it’s no problem. Just for today!”
“I’m telling you, I’m full”, Lukas tries not to sound rude, but he would like the girl to leave. Trouble here, only trouble. “Go and try somewhere else!”
At that moment, Mikkah comes down and stops on the stairs. The girl jerks suddenly when she notices him. The two of them study each other tensely for a second or two, and then her face contorts in a painful grimace and she bolts and almost tears the entrance membrane as she runs out into the rain.
Mikkah pulls out a gun under his cape and cocks it. Lukas jumps to stop him, but the Trinitian is already out, taking an aim and pulling the trigger. The dart from the gun hits the girl in her back. She staggers as she runs, her hands flailing blindly as she tries to pull the dart out. But, she fails and finally collapses in the water, her body relaxing, paralysed by tranquilliser. Mikkah approaches her and lifts her bodily. Lukas stares at him, bewildered, as he’s carrying her back to the hotel.
Lukas opens the doors of the Mikkah’s room. Without a word, the Trinitian brings the girl in and lays her on the bed. Lukas is not really happy about all this. The boss will not be glad if he finds out, but yellow stare tells him there’s no use arguing. The room is wet, water trickling from the ceiling, soaking the walls, gathering in puddles on the floor. I really have to tell the boss to do something about that Ugotitsa and her aquarium, Lukas decides. True, she pays double, but still ...
Mikkah pays no attention to the water everywhere. He reaches for his bag, takes out some belts and ties the girl firmly to the bed.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“My job”, Mikkah replies as he takes out a dark box from his bag. The box looks expensive, of some finely grained wood that Lukas never saw in his life, with gold inlays on the lid and sides. Mikkah opens the box, as if with reverence, and Lukas sees it’s filled with needles, syringes and vials, all neatly arranged on red velvet.
“I really do not wish to interfere, but the girl is not a parasite.”
“No, she’s not”, Mikkah agrees as he takes the syringe out and places a needle on it. “But she carries one in her.” The Trinitian chooses a vial, obviously telling them apart. To Lukas, they all look same. “I’d like to know where she picked it up, that species is rarely encountered. It takes the control of the brain and permeates it completely. It works differently in different hosts. Some are not even aware of it. To others, it sharpens their senses and broadens mental abilities. In such instances, I usually don’t interfere.”
“And in her case?”
“Bad luck. The girl was already an addict when the parasite took possession of her. The addiction crossed to it. After that, everything was just one never-ending search for more drug. Down, at the desk ... I felt it, and it felt me. The parasite can control its host, he made the girl run. Fortunately, she didn’t get away. She’s completely exhausted, she wouldn’t last long. Several days, a week maybe.”
“You’re going to take it out?
“This is enough to deaden it”, Mikkah shakes his head as he gives the girl an injection. “After that, it’s easy to dissolve it.”
Several minutes pass and Lukas begins to wonder if that is all, when all of the sudden the girl bolts, screaming from the top of her lungs. Her hands and legs pull at the belts, the bed squeaks beneath her as if it will collapse. Lukas jumps to help the Trinitian, and they both grab the girl to stop her from injuring herself. They hardly manage to contain her. The parasite gives the fragile body an almost inhuman strength, but the injection works and the girl, covered in sweat, falls back into the bed and calms down.
Minutes pass in silence. Only an occasional twitch passes through the girl’s body. The Trinitian’s tense stare seems to penetrate her and Lukas wonders what does the parasite feel? Pain as the content of the injection kills it? Fear before the end? Helpless anger? And then, one more strong jerk, the last one.
Mikkah closes his eyes and rises from the bed. It’s over, the parasite is dead.
“We’re not finished yet”, the Trinitian breaks the silence.
“We’re not?” If the boss finds out ...
“The healing will take a long time ... You will help me, won’t you?”
The Trinitian’s question remains hanging in the air. Lukas stands and watches the girl. There is a trace of calm in her tortured face, perhaps for the first time after who knows how long. We don’t even know her name, he thinks as he removes hair strands from her sweaty forehead. Anyway, as if it matters. The girl needs help and Lukas’ life suddenly has a purpose, becoming somewhat more than sitting at the reception desk night after night after night, in the semi-darkness of the vestibule, among the sleeping lantern-fungi. And maybe, just maybe, the solitude will came to the end.
“I have a field bed somewhere in the storage room”, he answers finally. “I hope we’ll find some dry place to put it.”
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